Human Rights Research League

Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.)

Mission statement

The Human Rights Research League (HRRL) is a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) aiming at protecting individuals by placing acts contrary to human rights and international humanitarian law, systemic grievances as well as humanitarian emergencies on the agenda. HRRL seeks to contribute to knowledge and research based public discussion and problem analysis without geographical, political, confessional or other limitations or alignments.

As our name suggests, we are an organization primarily focused on research from the basis of a strong academic foundation. However, we recognize that lasting impact and positive change also depend on connecting academics and practitioners, combining research on root causes of human rights challenges with implementation of projects and policies addressing those grievances. 

To this end, we are engaged in four focus areas: Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.), all with a view to bridging the gap between academic and practical approaches to human rights, and between problem analysis and implementation of solutions.


News & reports


Human Rights Research League, UNHCR and ICRC release Kinshasa Conference Report on Forced Displacement in the DRC
2021-01-14 21:09 The Conference Report, including Conference Program, Final Communique, and Follow-Up Road Map of this International Conference on Forced Displacement in the Democratic Republique of the Congo, co-orga...
IDMC Publishes 2020 Global Report on Internal Displacement
2020-05-04 03:17 The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) just published the 2020 edition of their Global Report on Internal Displacement. The report may be downloaded here.    
Lecture at the University of Paris 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne) on Forced Displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
2020-03-06 20:29 On March 16, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring is scheduled to give a lecture at the University of Paris 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne) on 'Cross-cutting Issues and Global Challenges of Fo...
Lecture at Case Western Reserve University on Forced Migration & Human Trafficking
2020-02-25 19:42 On February 25, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring was invited to give a talk at Case Western Reserve University's School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio. The lecture, entitled 'Torn Bet...
Lecture at Denver University on Emergency Relief in Failing States
2020-02-24 18:39 On February 24, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave a lecture at the University of Denver's Sturm College of Law on Emergency Relief in Failing States. The talk dealt with the ...
Lectures at Georgia Law on Forced Migration, Africa, and the Kampala Convention
2020-02-20 01:23 Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave lectures at the University of Georgia School of Law on Forced Migration, Africa, and the Kampala Convention on the Protection and Assistance of In...
Lecture at Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, on Human Trafficking & Forced Migration
2020-02-14 14:51 On February 14, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave a lecture at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on Human Trafficking & Forced Migrati...
Rule of Law and Forced Migration Lecture in NYC: Video Available
2020-02-14 12:45 On Feb. 12, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave the American-Scandinavian Foundation Visiting Lecture in New York City on 'The Rule of Law and Forced Migration'. The lecture di...
Lecture at New York University on Forced Migration & Human Trafficking
2020-02-11 18:01 On February 11, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave a lecture at New York University on 'Torn Between the Lover and the Love You Leave Behind: Forced Migration, Human Trafficki...
Lecture at Boston University on Forced Migration, Human Trafficking and Access to Hell
2020-02-04 17:13 On February 4, 2020, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave a lecture at Boston University on 'Torn Between the Lover and the Love You Leave Behind'. The talk, sponsored by the Forced M...
Human Rights Research League, UNHCR and ICRC co-organized International Conference in Kinshasa on Forced Displacement in the DRC
2019-10-25 01:33 Human Rights Research League, UNHCR and ICRC co-organized an International Conference on Forced Displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The conference brought together academics and prac...

Conferences & calls

Online Presentation on The Death Penalty in America, March 23, 2021
2021-03-21 15:45 On March 23, 2021, Human Rights Research League board member Steven Schneebaum, Interim Director of the International Law and Organizations Program and Practitioner-in-Residence at the Johns Hopkins S...
Online Panel Discussion on Sexual Violence against Women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, March 8, 2021
2021-03-06 18:26 On the occasion of International Women's Day, Giving Women together with the ICRC invite to a panel discussion on "Sexual Violence against Women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Healing, Justi...
Webinar on International Human Rights Law and Domestic Violence, March 5, 2021
2021-02-28 17:13 In honor of International Women's Day, the Promise Institute for Human Rights at UCLA School of Law organizes a talk on March 5, 2021, at 12:00 noon EST with United Nations Special Rapporteur on Viole...
Call for Papers: Understanding Solidarity under International and EU Refugee Law, April 15, 2021
2021-02-07 02:37 The European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law is organizing a side event on 15 April 2021 within the framework of this year's ESIL Research Forum ('Solid...
7th Joint Human Rights (Virtual) Conference on Human Rights and Foreign Policy, June 14-16, 2021
2021-01-31 01:33 The International Studies Association (ISA) Human Rights section announces that submissions for the next joint human rights conference on the topic of Human Rights and Foreign Policy, to be held onlin...
Online Expert Roundtable on the Rohingya Genocide, January 29, 2021
2021-01-28 14:12 On January 29, 2021, from noon-1:00 pm (EST), the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) will host an Expert Roundtable on the Rohingya Genocide. For further information and to register, pl...
Webinar on Sanctions against the International Criminal Court: Constitutional and International Issues, January 27, 2021
2021-01-25 22:50 On January 27, 2021, from 12:00pm-2:00pm, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law will host a webinar on Sanctions against the International Criminal Court: Constitutional and International Issues. In June ...
Webinar on External Support to Democracy and Human Rights Movements: Proposing a Doctrine of a Right to Assist, February 2, 2021
2021-01-24 01:44 A growing body of evidence shows that nonviolent civil resistance movements are integral to driving democratic development, and therefore long-term stability and peace in the world. This raises the qu...
Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, March 24-26, 2021
2021-01-24 00:49 From March 24-26, 2021, the American Society of International Law will convene its 115th Annual Meeting. This year's conference theme will be: "Reconceiving International Law: Creativity in Times of C...
Online: NORAD Conference 2021: A New Start - Together or Every State for Itself?, January 26-27, 2021
2021-01-23 10:50 This year's annual NORAD Conference will take on the global pandemic, economic stagnation, greater inequality, threats to democracy and free speech, and related topics that all marked 2020. The NORAD ...
Conference on The ICC's Contribution to the Development and Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law, Palacký University, Faculty of Law, Olomouc, Czech Republic, February 11-12, 2021
2021-01-13 19:15 The Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law (CIHOL) and the Palacký University, Faculty of Law, in Olomouc (Czech Republic) have the pleasure to invite you to a conference on the “IC...

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